Saturday, 28 February 2015

Winds of Change.

Hey everyone! 
So basically, I'm back from the dead. (If that's what you want to call it.) 

I'm officially switching up my blog. :)
It will now completely be travel oriented but of course, I'll throw in some 'life' posts here and there. To start off I'll be posting pictures in this post of my wonderful and much needed weekend with my friends. 

Although Bahrain is small, it DOES have a lot to offer. It saddens me that most people are unaware that it even exists. Therefore I am going to start appreciating and publicizing it's beauty in hopes that you, my dear readers will do the same and share it with your friends and them with theirs...

I've always had a thing for beaches. The wind in my face, sound of the waves colliding, digging my feet into the sand and watching the sunset kind of thing. Go ahead and call it romanticism- because that's exactly what is is. Not the whole 'marry me and be the father of my kids' kind of romance but rather the, 'damn, I didn't even know that shade of blue existed' kind of romance. So you can imagine my absolute delight when the plans I'd made took a slight detour and I ended up on the beach. 

I can see how the title of this post might have been misleading because where does the change part of it come into all of this? It does though. Beaches are symbolic for being the barrier for two states of the mind. Or anything for that matter. In this case, I would like to assume that the water represents the countless directions and paths one can/may take. The opportunities are endless because just like the water...because obviously...there doesn't seem to be an end to it haha. As for the sand, it represents stability or the act of being stationary. And no, I don't mean standing in one place in the literal sense but rather never moving forward in life. Sinking your feet in the sand, curling your toes, gluing yourself to the ground kind of stationary. But when I do that I'm washed with the thought of "What if I just...let the ocean take me?" And I mean this in the most non-suicidal way. What if I just allow the waves to wash over me? To take me where they want, as and when they please. Although there's a lot of uncertainty in allowing 'the waves' to take you where they go, such is life. Or so I am told. And as cheesy as it sounds, life IS a rollercoaster but the view is great!

I spent the weekend in what is known as Old Bahrain, basically the Marina area and Funland( an ice skating/bowling centre) and for those of you who live here, the first thing you notice when you drive into the city is the transition from old to new. It's almost as though you're being taken on a tour through the heritage and then slowly being made to see all the progression that has taken place over time. Either ways, you can see it in the picture above. (There are still some buildings being constructed- but you can see the transition from sea to buildings) Although I've been to this place heaps of times yesterday's view caught me by surprise. It was amazing to see all the shades of blue in variation( Blue is my favourite colour) and along with a good view, good company does wonders! 

If you're in the area, hit this spot up! It's just at the back of Dolphin Park. Peaceful, just begins to describe it and there's a great view, not only of the sea but of the sheesha cafe just across which is wonderfully lit at night by the way. (Didn't manage to get a picture.) 

Until next time guys!
Sara Malik.

(P.S- All picture credits are mine.)


  1. These photos are really lovely! Good luck on your restarting your blog's orientation!


  2. It's Romanticism - capital R.

    1. Thank you for pointing that out. I'll keep it in mind. :)

  3. I love that spot.
