Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Decline of Our Society.

Hello my lovely readers, 

I'm going to get straight to the point and rant. 

A few nights ago I was with my family and we'd come to a halt at the signal however something was wrong because I could see the light was green and people were honking continuously. Out of curiosity I leaned out of the window to see what was going on and immediately 3 young local boys were standing and one of them was leaning into the car at the beginning of the traffic line. At first it looked appeared as though they were stopping cars and making inquiries but it soon turned ugly as they physically ATTACKED the elder expatriate man who was in his late 50's as his family was forced to evacuate the car and watch helplessly but not before they slammed the car door on him THRICE and no one getting down to help him.

As we drove away my first inclination was to call the local authorities and report them however with the lack of proof prevented me. Seeing this incident bothered me the entire night and still continues to bother me. Being a youngster it completely baffles me when I wonder what has become of the humanity in the younger generation? These people are distinctly aware that being locals they have the power to do as they like and it is just disgusting as a local myself to see them ABUSE that power so undeservingly bestowed upon them. That expatriate man and many more like him come to our country and labour hard in the worst conditions in order to contribute to our economy and yet that are treated as nothing less than dirt. If only I could apologize for the inhumanity shown towards that man I would in a heartbeat. 

This place used to be recognized for its hospitality but it 
continues to lost it's touch of humanity and not to mention humility each day and this is truly upsetting to see how far a nation can progress and yet regress due to the ignorance and inhumanity of a few especially considering with everything we've seen over the last couple of days with the Sydney siege and Peshawar Massacre.

Secondly, social media in its true form is made to be used to connect with your friends and loved ones and NOT to harass people of your disliking therefore one can understand someone's annoyance when you receive questions such as "u smell like a prostitute at school" and "non-muslim bahraini? u look Indian tbh" 

Not only do these kind of comments make me question what parents are teaching their children but it make me laugh as I am made to see how little people are learning at school- specifically in terms of grammatical skills anyways.

1) However flattering(NOT) it is that you have taken the time out to analyze people's scent, the fact that you have compared it to a prostitute suggests that you have former experience of one which calls into question who the less moral person is here. :)

2) A prostitute is someone, specifically a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. Just putting that out there seeing as how little you are benefiting from your education. 

3) Their nationality/religious beliefs have nothing to do with anyone or how they should be perceiving them.

People are NOT and I repeat NOT defined or identified by their religious beliefs and since they are THEIR BELIEFS I don't see how that in anyway involves YOU. 

It is really sad to see that despite living in a multicultural society we are faced with such disgusting and judgemental comments and it sickens me to the core. 

Coming into a New Year however there is always time for reformity and as long as people are willing to change that should be what matters.

Until next time,
Sara Malik.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The Island of the Misfit Toys.

Dear readers,

Do forgive me for my long and unexplained absence. I was busy. Gaining calories...and I am now trying to lose them in the cold, snuggly months to come which does NOT look good for me...BUT I'll let you know how that works out. 

I'm trying out something new....let me know if you like it!

I knew it was a mistake the moment it was over. The dolls I'd treasured for years were scattered on the floor. Brown hair, blue eyes, perfect blushed skin. I always thought their arms were too small and their heads too big but what did it matter now? This was supposed to be behind me. I'm not supposed to care about stupid dolls. Or stupid people. I'm supposed to care about me. Me. Me. ME! In frustration I kicked the baby beanie doll across the room and she sure made a lot of noise. 

"Sydney?" Mum called out. "You alright?" No,Mother. I'm not.

"Syd?" She called out once more, her steps drawing nearer to my bedroom door. 

"Yeah, sorry I just tripped." I responded flatly.

"Be careful, sweetheart." What a dumb word. Sweetheart. What if someone was a bad person? Would they be called 'bitterheart'? As someone who has loved English all her life, words fascinate me but in this particular instance not even "special" or "one of a kind" could make me feel better. Words are nothing. Meaningless. Empty. Bloody. Promises.

I turned my head to see the only doll remaining on my bed staring at me with what seemed to be contempt. He was my favourite, And not even a doll but a bear. A light brown, product of fur teddy bear. And oh my days, how stupid of me. I wasn't even allowed to keep him on my bed because I was allergic to fur. Jev, I had called him.

"What kind of name is Jev?" I'd been asked on several occasions and only now had it dawned on me that it was my kind of name.

"What the hell are you staring at?" I asked, half expecting a reply but my childhood comfort said nothing as I drowned in my teenage angst. I don't remember who but someone told me when I was a kid that toys REALLY came to life when we go to sleep. (Not taken from Toy Story) I used to think Barbie had her own little drunk pool party and all the other toys would roam around my house in the dark hours of the night. Didn't they get tired? What about my so called "son" Jev? He didn't look like a party animal to me. He always wore a sad smile and appeared to be in deep thought. And his brother, Toby, who happens to be a lion cub, didn't seem to enjoy those sort of things either. And yes, a bear and a lion are brothers, oh the unending limitations of a child's imagination. 

So like, I stayed up one day with the thick sheets all the way up to my head and left a crack open for me to look out into the hallway where the store room door was wide open waiting and waiting for the magic to happen. Unbeknownst to a silly 8 year old me, the toys were under my bed. 
But those were silly things and countless times I have wondered why I bothered growing up because you see the magic never really left just...came to a stop.

What did you guys think? x
Until next time guys!
Sara Malik. 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

C'est la vie mon cherie.

Hey guys,

I'm currently on a 2 day break from school for Ashoora( public holiday)
So I thought it was a perfect opportunity to write!
I'm not going to do an analysis as I usually do but rather- I'm going to keep it real.
My weekend consisted of a Halloween party that I will never forget! I'm slowly beginning to realize that I am surrounded by people who do genuinely care about me and want the best for me and I am really grateful for that. There was an unnecessary day of school in between(today) but I have two extra days off so meh I'm not complaining.

I know it sucks that I haven't been writing but in all honesty I'm just out of ideas.
I promise to write real soon though. 

Until then here's something new I learnt this week.

C'est la vie.
That's life.

So until next time,
Stay happy guys!
Sara Malik.

Monday, 20 October 2014


Hey hey hey,

This must be my lucky week! I get to write twice!

I think I've waited long and thought hard about saying this..but here goes.
I'm a fraud.
That's right.
A fake.
A phony.

I started out this blog in no particular direction but I found that many people were encouraged by it so I started writing encouraging things but in all honesty I find it very hard to convince myself of many things and I would like to practice what I preach.

So at the top of my head- Robert Browning comes to mind! I'm studying English Literature for A levels so I have spent quite a lot of time with the Cynical King himself. I have to say that a lot of the poems I read and.....write are all sad but that's the beauty of it, or so I've been told. Words have the power to make or break you and I choose to write words that break you. #soznotsoz

That being said, I call myself to the witness stand.

"What is the biggest lie you tell yourself?"

I'm a fluffy unicorn.

"No, really. Be serious."

Well you see, I have everyone except myself convinced that I am a cynicist. What does this entail for me? I honestly haven't a clue. But am I about to go around killing my crush or future husband for talking to other women or not showering me with OBVIOUSLY(not really) much deserved attention? Umm, stalker much?

Robert Browning is the most extreme type of cynical. You don't like me? That's okay, baby I'll just silently drive myself insane and then kill you. Simple as ABC. By the way- Google literally does have EVERYTHING.

Incase any of you were wondering...

Click on the link for some steps to becoming a proper 'Cynicist'

And click on this link if you, like me suffer from cynical assholism.

First and foremost- let me just point out that being cynical is a lot of damn work OKAY?
It takes a lot of time and effort to analyse people in the most negative light possible and AT THE SAME TIME pretend not to give a shit when those people reciprocate(as humans tend to do) and decide HEY what the heck? I hate you too, you little shit.

Secondly, as a cynicist beginner you start experiencing an interest in necrophilism and spend all your spare time- and eventually ALL your time cuddling with your exes rotting corpse.

Thirdly and the perhaps the most normal of all the symptoms- your phone has Heisenberg & co on speed dial and you know EVERY single girl on your lovers Facebook list by name.

Now, I don't know about you but those are all PRETTY convincing reasons for someone to cross over to the cynical side. However, unless you happen to be keen on bacterial AIDS and prison I don't recommend it.

My sister is an artist and I am a writer. Art in all its exquisite and creative nature is more appealing at a first glance. First impressions DO matter. This does bring me down quite a bit but then I remember Oscar Wilde.

“A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing." 

So yes, I am a cynicist. But not an extremist

And I am fraud, but I am most genuine when I write. 

Until next time,
Sara Malik.

Friday, 17 October 2014

I'm just an Ordinary Human.

Hello my wonderful, fantastic, amaaaaazing readers,

So hopefully I haven't been away for too long and you haven't given up on me. I've been busy with my first exams at the new school so I was focusing on that.


So many times we hurt people. Generally the ones we love and care about. But oh my dear readers, we ARE only human aren't we?
That's exactly what every single person says.

"I'm only human I make mistakes."
The murders. The thieves. 
Hahahaha don't worry, I'm only kidding.

But in all seriousness are we really using that sentence to justify ourselves? 
Earlier this week I had a falling out with my best friend. The only person in this entire world that really, truly matters to me. I recall using that sentence to justify myself but looking back now, how pathetic was that? Pretty pathetic, I'd say.

But the thing about arguments and people is that it escalates when you decide not to accept responsibility for what you've done. Yes, we are ONLY human. But what does it mean to be "human"?

According to the Free Dictionary the word "Human" means;

1. Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character regarded as distinguishing humans from other animals: an act of human kindness.

2. Subject to or indicative of the weaknesses, imperfections, and fragility associated with humans: a mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty.

If we argue that we are ONLY human for making mistakes then surely the ones we hurt are allowed to feel just as human and experience sadness, betrayal or even anger. And obviously, if we start playing the blame game- nobody is going to get anywhere. So don't. Honestly, save yourself the trouble and APOLOGIZE.

"Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility."- Saint Augustine.

Nothing is ever certain and depending on the seriousness of your actions you will be forgiven and things will get better over time. If your relationships with people are worth it, make them count. Say you're sorry. Make things right. If not all of the above, at least try. If you really give a shit SHOW THEM. Don't take a back seat and leave people wondering where they stand.
It takes a really hard fall for people to realize where they stand. Don't keep them guessing!

Until next time guys!
Sara Malik.

P.S- L, I'm really really sorry.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Make Peace, Not War!

Hey you!

Have you missed me? I sure have missed you.
I can't believe it's been a month since I last wrote. Things have been pretty hectic. And I feel as though I have lost my creative edge mainly because I take all writing subjects and it feels as though all the words are being forced out of me. I write for pleasure. Not for necessity. I write because I feel words can bring to life what pictures and other things cannot. To be very honest, I don't even know what I want to write today so forgive me if this piece isn't up to the mark.

What IS Victoria's secret?! 

No, I'm just kidding. 

Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

It's a bit controversial but bear with me,

If you've seen/read The Giver you'll know that it's in black and white for most parts because things like colour, race, religion they create differences. Differences in our day and time are not perceived as a bad thing. But that's just on the surface. What lies underneath is a completely different matter.

Differences cause insecurities. Everyone is aware that there is always someone better than them, with the exception of those extreme narcissists but that doesn't make them any less capable than those around them it just means someone else has a little or a great deal that they can learn from. What scares people is that they are aware of the philosophical take on religion. Since religion is man made and men are part of the physical world in which nothing can be certain-  how can one prove-let alone believe in the existence of God?

It isn't enough for them to believe. They need everybody else to believe with them. But on that note, how do you convince people to believe in something you yourself are not sure of? That's why differences are dangerous. Someone comes along with a completely different view on the subject and that calls into question the source of information. People, as I'm sure you and I both know are not satisfied with the answer of 'The Holy Book' because that itself is man made.

What people fail to remember that all religion is just a way of reaching the end goal- which is God and Heaven. If people do get there using alternate means- a.k.a other religions who are we to judge? As long as they get there. Whatever makes them happy. Whatever they want. It's a choice. As ungrateful as it may sound we can't chose a lot of things but the things we do have control over- I say we keep it that way. It's an individual choice. Don't get me wrong. I firmly believe in God but what I don't believe in is innocent people being killed under his name.

Although I don't completely agree with this, I like John Green's explanation:

"People, I thought, wanted security. They couldn't bear the idea of death being a big black nothing, couldn't bear the thought of their loved ones not existing, and couldn't even imagine themselves not existing. I finally decided that people believed in an afterlife because they couldn't bear not to.” 

But then again Elizabeth Gilbert says;

“I want God to play in my bloodstream the way sunlight amuses itself on the water.”

We can be easily confused by the multiple sources of knowledge we are open to. This just goes to show how incapable we are of making proper judgements and therefore, should NOT make any.

John Lennon takes the words right out of my mouth;

"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.” 

Be lovers and not haters!

Until next time guys!
Sara Malik.© 

Monday, 15 September 2014

The God Complex?

Hey guys!
Ahhhhh it's the third week of Sixth Form and I haven't written anything. I do really apologize it's been crazy didn't expect it to be practically like uni.
It's really overwhelming!

Anyway, by some great coincidence I am studying a poem in my English Literature class which sort of interests me. Do you guys watch Criminal Minds or CSI? It's pretty interesting to see how the behaviour analysts and linguistics team unravel what the unsub(guilty party) is thinking and why he is thinking that way to begin with.

The poem is called Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning. The English is pretty simple but there are A LOT of subliminal messages in the text so I thought I'd share my view and I'd love to hear yours!

 Porphyria's Lover
by Robert Browning.

The rain set early in to-night,
       The sullen wind was soon awake,
It tore the elm-tops down for spite,
       And did its worst to vex the lake:
       I listened with heart fit to break.
When glided in Porphyria; straight
       She shut the cold out and the storm,
And kneeled and made the cheerless grate
       Blaze up, and all the cottage warm;
       Which done, she rose, and from her form
Withdrew the dripping cloak and shawl,
       And laid her soiled gloves by, untied
Her hat and let the damp hair fall,
       And, last, she sat down by my side
       And called me. When no voice replied,
She put my arm about her waist,
       And made her smooth white shoulder bare,
And all her yellow hair displaced,
       And, stooping, made my cheek lie there,
       And spread, o'er all, her yellow hair,
Murmuring how she loved me — she
       Too weak, for all her heart's endeavour,
To set its struggling passion free
       From pride, and vainer ties dissever,
       And give herself to me for ever.
But passion sometimes would prevail,
       Nor could to-night's gay feast restrain
A sudden thought of one so pale
       For love of her, and all in vain:
       So, she was come through wind and rain.
Be sure I looked up at her eyes
       Happy and proud; at last I knew
Porphyria worshipped me; surprise
       Made my heart swell, and still it grew
       While I debated what to do.
That moment she was mine, mine, fair,
       Perfectly pure and good: I found
A thing to do, and all her hair
       In one long yellow string I wound
       Three times her little throat around,
And strangled her. No pain felt she;
       I am quite sure she felt no pain.
As a shut bud that holds a bee,
       I warily oped her lids: again
       Laughed the blue eyes without a stain.
And I untightened next the tress
       About her neck; her cheek once more
Blushed bright beneath my burning kiss:
       I propped her head up as before,
       Only, this time my shoulder bore
Her head, which droops upon it still:
       The smiling rosy little head,
So glad it has its utmost will,
       That all it scorned at once is fled,
       And I, its love, am gained instead!
Porphyria's love: she guessed not how
       Her darling one wish would be heard.
And thus we sit together now,
       And all night long we have not stirred,
       And yet God has not said a word!

So basically, the author is her lover and he starts off by describing the setting of the poem as a metaphor for his relationship with Porphyria. The entire poem is about how he feels his love is unrequited. She's proud and rich and well...he's not. He knows that she'd go back to her world. The one she thinks she belongs in. And just when she starts showing him she loves consumes him and he kills her. What a transition. From an ill-fated love story to a horrendous tale.

That got to me thinking- what made him do that? Obviously he was desperate to keep her and just when he might have won her over..he killed her? Can we really be so consumed by jealousy and control that we let it take over? Can people really not handle rejection?!
There's something about his speech that gives me goosebumps.. 

 "Her cheek once more
Blushed bright beneath my burning kiss."

He's clearly sadistic isn't he? He thinks he did her a favour and in a way you kind of feel sorry for can see she's driven him to insanity that makes his crime justifiable. And is it really? 

Whenever I faced a difficult situation I remember my Mum telling me that God never puts us in a situation he doesn't think we can handle. But here Browning questions God's presence during his act of betrayal. What the writer has is known as;

The God Complex.
an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. 

I think I've done enough content to fill posts talking about how we shouldn't add to peoples' misery. And surely enough, this is the perfect example. We've already established that humans are a fragile race despite their abilities to set up all kinds of guards and walls that serve as covers. So to drive someone to this sort of mind-frame must take a hell lot of effort. Don't be that someone! A really good teacher taught me that your inner essence is what defines you as you and you are already made up of so many different essences. Do you really want to add another essence to someone's angry and tortured soul?

No? :)
I didn't think so!
I guess what I'm trying to say is it's so easy to feel victimized or victimize for that matter and just like Browning turned the tables on Porphyria you can turn the tables too...and remember not to let the tables turn on YOU!

Until next time,
Sara Malik. © 

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Back to Grind!

Hey guys!

It's that depressing time of year again where we get back to the grind. All night movie marathons or late night conversations are replaced by 6:00am wake up calls and 8 torturous hours of lessons.

But honestly I'm looking forward to going back to school. Despite the lovely and long deserved break I got I can't be back because I'm going to be in an all new school or pre-college as some might call it.
These 2 years determine which university I'll be going to and that determines where I'm going for the rest of my life. Scary, isn't it?

I found a verse that is really applicable to me and I felt like sharing it because it might help you.

" Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds."

This verse is taken from the Bible from Philippians 4:6-7. It doesn't even matter if you're not a Christian. Or a Muslim. A Buddhist. Hindu. Jewish. Even an atheist. The moral of this verse is not to rush things. If you don't believe in religion then surely you believe in the law of attraction, good things come to you if you believe in good things. It's only a matter of time. As the saying goes;

 "Good things come to those who wait."

You might be starting your year or you might be in the middle of it, whatever it is, all you need is just a little patience.( Yes, I quoted GnR.) 

I don't want to start the year with a long post or tips for that matter because let's face it no amount of advice can prepare you for what may or may not lie ahead of you. It's life. As we've established. It's a bit like a unstable person- it's unpredictable.

But what I would like to share is definitely 4 things and most of them are in the verse above;

1) Be calm and composed. Stressing over something will not contribute to making the situation better. 

2) Be thankful. Joel Osteen puts it this way;

"One of the main reasons that we lose our enthusiasm in life is because we become ungrateful..we let what was once a miracle become common to us. We get so accustomed to its goodness it becomes a routine..” 

3) Make peace your weapon of mass destruction. No I don't mean destroy peoples peace. I mean carry peace with you wherever you go and remain without unnecessary confrontation or conflict. Be a peaceful warrior in every battle you face but DO NOT let people trample all over you.

4) Finally, just be yourself. It's a new year. You get to learn new things and possibly meet new people. It might even be the fresh start you need so look forward to it. I know I am!

So enjoy your new school year, my dear readers!
Have fun and make memories. 
Oh and I might not be able to post as much, although I'm looking at a once or twice a week schedule, if I don't though please forgive me, I'll try my best to keep you all happy.

Summer's over guys!

Until next time,
Sara Malik.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Stay Gorgeous XXO.

Hey guys! 

I know I've not been as active but that's because I've been planning something special for y'all! I managed to get hold of a famous local personality! Since I wanted to mix up my style it made it even better that she's a fashion designer and not just any fashion- the fashion that matters the most here in the Middle East! Scarves! So it's with great pleasure that I interviewed Mariam Al-Shaikh, a young and dynamic rising scarf designer in the Middle East!

SW:You're a growing fashion icon in the Middle East! How do you feel about that?

Mariam:It has been an exciting journey to witness my baby "Stay Gorgeous" growing and developing. The experience has been overwhelming so far and I am appreciating every second of it.

SW: What is the driving factor behind Stay Gorgeous?

Mariam:I have mentioned this before and I will keep saying it as long as I'm here; I dream of becoming someone's role model. Not for them to copy me, but to help them shape their own. As long as I can inspire someone with what I'm doing in Stay Gorgeous it will keep going.


SW: Do you think people are born with style or is it something they pick up?

Mariam:First we need to identify ourselves with the question "What is style?" I believe that style is not limited to outfits, it is a way of life, it could be our style in studying, our style in doing some work, or our style in communicating with people. Style is more about being who we are. Style is not limited to one thing. Therefore; I think that people are born with style.


SW:What does Stay Gorgeous hope to give its fans and customers?

Mariam:Stay Gorgeous is not a complete commercial business. It is set for a cause; to inspire, help, motivate and grow those gorgeous people around us, and I hope that everyone gets the benefit out of it whether it was direct or indirect, young or adult, fashion lover or not, business or charity. We are here to help everyone whenever we can.

  SW: Do you think there is a difference between "fashion" and "style"?
Mariam: Yes, there is a huge difference between fashion and style. Fashion is an external relationship; as in what is happening out there in the market? What is trending in stores now days? What is new? From the other hand, style is an internal relationship; "What is happening over here? What is my favorite cut? What colors suit me the most?" Fashion is what is offered to everybody, and style is what you pick from there to fit it in. Fashionable trends could no longer be available, but the way we are stay forever.

 :SWMany girls nowadays are ashamed to wear the traditional clothes that have been worn over time. What do you have to say to them? And how can they improvise on their outfit?

Mariam: Trends and fashion circulate itself; we have been getting trends coming back from the 70's and the 80's. Every old or traditional piece will eventually come back to life, and the fashion history will repeat itself. It is the personal touch and the way the piece is being worn is what makes the difference. The piece could look standard, but what you wear it with and how you accessorize it is what makes the difference. I always recommend ladies to add a scarf to their outfit to upgrade it to another level. It could be a small touch what makes a difference.

SW:What does it take to be in the fashion industry?

Mariam:It takes courage, some people are afraid to try something new, some new colors and shades. I always encourage those who want to take a step forward to break out of their comfort zones because there, is where the magic happens.

 :SWDo you think that clothing really changes the way a person looks?

Mariam: Even though clothing is a strong factor, but I don't recommend people to depend on their clothing to fully represent the way they look, the way a person looks is a mixture of their appearance, personality and their state of mind. Even a smile could represent the way someone looks. I usually recommend people to focus on all of these things to appear their best.

SW: For reasons obvious to human nature not everybody is easy to deal with. So how do you deal with arrogant clients?

Mariam: I haven't been in an incident where I met someone arrogant. I generally try to give every gorgeous lady a good treatment and try to satisfy her whether by styling, giving tips, and recommending scarves on outfits.

 :SWI simply adore your style! Do you think it reflects your personal fashion sense? What do you describe your style as?

Mariam: Thank you! Since high school my fashion sense is the first noticeable factor about me, it reflects a little of my mood; which is bright and colorful most of the time. I describe my style as a mixture of classic and casual, I usually try to add a scarf to upgrade it to outstanding, and of course dress up according to the occasions.

:SW Has the fashion industry made an impact on you as a person? If so, what have you learnt?

Mariam: It made me realize that the way a person looks represents their relationship with themselves. As well as not to make a first impression based on one's appearance, as human beings we usually tend to make a judgment about someone from the way he or she looks, it is true that it tells about the person but it does not reveal who they are completely.

SW:  Unfortunately that's all we have time for today. Can we hope to hear more from you in the future? Maybe a woman's clothing line?

Mariam: Thank you for considering Stay Gorgeous to be featured in your blog as I am updated with your posts. I will keep my relationship with clothes as a stylist, as for designing I will always be a scarf designer.

I hope you guys enjoyed Mariam's interview as much as I enjoyed interviewing her! She's a very determined young woman and an upcoming name in the fashion industry I hope to hear more from her in the near future!

You can find Mariam and the Stay Gorgeous foundation on Instagram!
Or email your orders at
You can also contact Mariam at +97339129591

Until next time,
Sara Malik.